Natures Way Lemon - 10ml Aromatherapy Oil has been expressed from the rind of the lemon. Sharp, fresh aroma. Excellent antispetic properties, stimulating, uplifting and imrpoves concentration. Use on the face to improve congestion and oily skin conditions.
Natures Way Lavender - 10ml Aromatherapy Oil has been obtained by steam distillation of the flowering tops of the shrub. Light, fresh aroma. It has antiseptic and bacterial properties, is soothing,...
Natures Way Basil - 10ml Aromatherapy Oil has been obtained by steam distillation of the flowering tops and leaves. Light, peppery aroma, Stimulating effects that help to clear the mind and aid...
Natures Way Ginger - 10ml Aromatherapy Oil has been obtained by steam distillation. A warming and spicy aroma. Gently stimulating and beneficial for tired and aching muscles. Naturess Way essential...
Natures Way Juniper - 10ml Aromatherapy Oil gas the delicate flower undergo a few processes before steam distillation produces the essential oil. An exquisite sweet, floral aroma. Deeply relaxing,...
Natures Way Bergamot - 10ml Aromatherapy Oil has been expressed from the rind of the citrus fruit. Spicy lemon scent. Excellent antiseptic and mood-lifting tonic. Used on the face to help clear...
Natures Way Rosemary - 10ml Aromatherapy Oil has been obtained by steam distillation of the flowering tops. Clear, powerful, herbal aroma. Stimulating to the circulation. Helps allievate muscular...